“ Pride is a very misunderstood sin, and many are sinning in ignorance. (See Mosiah 3:11 ; 3 Ne. 6:18 .) In the scriptures there is no such thing as righteous pride—it is always considered a sin. Therefore, no matter how the world uses the term, we must understand how God uses the term so we can understand the language of holy writ and profit thereby. (See 2 Ne. 4:15 ; Mosiah 1:3–7 ; Alma 5:61 .)”. This was said during general conference by President Ezra Taft Benson, in 1989. This was revelation shared by a prophet, and is even more needed counsel today, almost 30 years later. What is pride? Pride is often considered to be self-centeredness, conceit, boastfulness, arrogance, or haughtiness. These are true examples of pride but what is often overlooked is competitive in nature, disobedience, contention, defensiveness, enmity toward God, rebellion, hard-heartedness, stiff-neckedness, unrepentant, puffed up, easily offended, sign seekers, faultfinding...