Supreme Courts ruling on Same-sex Marriage
The last few days I have been studying the Supreme Court summary of the ruling that legalized gay marriage on June 26, 2015. This has been a heavy read, and an overwhelming amount of viewpoints and information to process. Through my study I have gained a better understanding of the law and Supreme courts and how they work much better than I originally did. I do have to say that I felt Justice Kennedy delivered the opinion of the Court very effectively. Many individual stories were shared and how they were individually affected by being denied the right to same sex-marriage, this was a powerful tool to use. It is difficult to step back and view traditional vs. same-sex marriage without personal stories and emotions that this subject stirs. One statement that was made to support same-sex marriages was “The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered.”
I believe this a great concern to those trying to protect traditional marriages when legalizing same-sex marriages will undeniably challenge the first amendment. A few examples of these changes that some communities are already facing is the public school curriculum, the rights churches have as to what kinds of marriages they are able to perform, this affects religious agencies assisting in adoptions and counseling. It has even affected small businesses and individuals in the workforce and refusing to provide services to same-sex families and couples. While the Supreme Court denies the risk to religious freedom, it is already showing the ripple effects of this overturn.
Justice Alito states this; “We can expect something similar to take place if same-sex marriage becomes widely accepted. The long-term consequences of this change are not now known and are unlikely to be ascertainable for some time to come. There are those who think that allowing same-sex marriage will seriously undermine the institution of marriage. Others think that recognition of same-sex marriage will fortify a now-shaky institution.”
The greatest truth is that the long-term consequences are not certain, but I feel that many proven facts on the benefits of traditional marriages, families, and children have been overlooked or their value was lessened during this ruling.
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